
Bottle is an organisation that connects people through the humble bottle. We are a small producer of locally made bottle goods, bottled in vessels received from our community in exchange for a token towards our produce.

Our mission:

– to get people to think differently about the resources within their communities.

– to develop a better understanding about the food they eat

– to facilitate better community cohesion

We plan to build an initial community of members within Oxford who have an interest in brewing, preserving and making bottle goods. We’re looking to have our first beer brewing in spring 2013, which will be a spring nettle beer. Through 2013 we aim to explore with our members a small range of bottled delights that can be made with the addition of the following complimentary local ingredients: Apples, Blackberries, Cabbage, Elderflower, Nettle, Pumpkin and Tomato.

Membership to our organisation will be offered from early 2013.

Once we have ourselves settled into a swing our ultimate aim is to work with the unemployed young people of Oxford in the creation of our food, giving them life skills, employment and a sense of self worth.

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